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LiDAR Polygon

Start the LiDAR polygon work

LiDAR Polygon is a labeling task that involves marking polygons on point clouds collected by LiDAR.

LiDAR Polygon work types can be used for labeling areas such as drivable roads or flat surfaces in a point cloud environment.

LiDAR Polygon Work Screen

LiDAR 3D Cuboid 작업 화면

LiDAR Polygon work screen

LiDAR Polygon tool bar

LiDAR 3D Cuboid 툴 바

LiDAR 3D Cuboid tool bar

1PolygonSwitch to the polygon tool.

- Shortcut : P
2Add polygon pointAdd points to the created polygon.
3Delete polygon pointDelete points from the created polygon.
4Differentiate track IDs by colorDifferentiate instance colors based on track IDs

- Shortcut : T
5Differentiate intensity colorsDisplay colors based on Point Cloud intensity.

- Shortcut : Shift T(Windows) , T(Mac)
6Display rulerDisplay ruler on the point cloud screen in grid/radial format.
7Undo/RedoUndo/Redo the previous action.
8Zoom in/outZoom in/out the screen.
You can adjust it with the mouse wheel..
9Quarter ViewSwitch the screen to quarter view based on the car model.
10Top viewSwitch the screen to top view based on the car model.
11Side viewSwitch the screen to side view based on the car model.
12CommentCreate comment.

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