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Learn about the AIMMO JSON structure and Annotation field structure.

GT field

	"annotations": [], // Refer to the Annotation field by each Annotation type
  "attributes" : {},
  "label" : "Classification",
  "file_id" : "620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc9",
  "scene_id" : "620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc8",
  "filename" : "image (28).jpeg",
  "parent_path": "/batch_5/20220624/daytime",
  "last_modifier_id": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
  "metadata": {
    "height": 1080,
    "width": 1920
  "last_workers": {
    "라벨링": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
    "검수": null,
    "최종 검수": null
  "tags": ["car"],
	"parent_tags": ["1차작업"]

GT Field Definition

annotationslist[object]Annotation informationReference annotation field
attributesobjectWhen setting an attribute of the task type classification, it is the same as the attribute of the classification

When there is no classification {}
"attribute name”: “attribute value”, "attribute name”: “attribute value"
When it isn’t set ⇒ {}
labelstringIt exists only when the task type is the classification

*If there is no classification in task type, the field does not exist
file_idobjectThe ID of the file620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc9
scene_idstringThe ID of the scene file

* If the resource type is neither Sequence Image nor Point Cloud, the field does not exist
filenamestringFile names

* In the case of the resource type Sequence Image or Point Cloud, this corresponds to a frame within the scene file
image (28).jpeg
parent_pathstringThe parent path of the file/batch_5/20220624/daytime
last_modifier_idstringLast modifier id5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b
metadataobjectFile metadata by each resource type
Image: image size
PointCloud, Text: {} empty value
Video:fps (frames)
# If it's an image
"height": 1080,
"width": 1920

# If it's a video
“fps”: 30
last_workersobjectThe last worker at each stage{
"labeling": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
"inspection": null,
"final inspection": null
tagslist[object]The tag value of the file

*If you do not check whether the tag is included or not, the field does not exist
When the tag is applied ⇒ [”car”]
When the tag is not applied ⇒ 필드 없음
parent_tagslist[object]The tag value of the folder
*If you do not check whether the tag is included or not, the field does not exist
If the tag is applied ⇒ [” Primary task”]
If the tag is not applied ⇒ no field


  • Classification can be used on all resource types (single image (vector), video, etc.)
  • Classification information will be stored in the GT field, not the “Annotation” field.
	"annotations": [],
	"attributes": {
		"occlusion": "Less than 30%"
	"label": "car",
  "file_id" : "620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc9",
  "filename" : "image (28).jpeg",
  "parent_path": "/batch_5/20220624/daytime",
  "last_modifier_id": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
  "metadata": {
    "height": 1080,
    "width": 1920
  "last_workers": {
    "라벨링": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
    "검수": null,
    "최종 검수": null

Field Definition

attributesobjectAttributes of task type Classification{"attribute name”: “attribute value”, "attribute name”: “attribute value"}
labelstringTask type Classification Classes"car"

Annotation Field - common fields

	"annotations": [
      "id": "1-48f557c0-3fff-4227-bd18-8574ff7f8ad0",
			"type": "bbox",
			"attributes": {
				  "is_parked": "y",
				  "occlusion": "30%",
      "track_id" : 1,
      "label": "car"

Annotation Field Definition

idstringThe ID of the instance"1-48f557c0-3fff-4227-bd18-8574ff7f8ad0"
typestringAnnotation types"bbox"
attributesobjectAttributes of instance (attribute name, attribute value){"attribute name”: “attribute value”, "attribute name”: “attribute value"}
If it is not set ⇒ {}
track_idstringThe instance number allocated to the same instance for each frame within the scene

*If the resource type is not Sequence Image, the field does not exist
labelstringClasses of the instance"car"

Single Image (Vector)

Bounding Box

	"annotations": [
      "id": "1-48f557c0-3fff-4227-bd18-8574ff7f8ad0",
			"type": "bbox",
			"points": [[297, 307], [1169, 307], [1169, 530], [297, 530]],
			"label": "car",
			"attributes": {
				"is_parked": "y",
				"occlusion": "30%"

Annotation Field Definition

pointsList of pointB-Box coordinates (top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left)

*Coordinate system where the upper left corner of the image is (0,0)
[[297, 307], [1169, 307], [1169, 530], [297, 530]]It must have 4 points

Rotated B-box

  "annotations": [  
      "id": "48f557c0-3fff-4227-bd18-8574ff7f8ad0",  
      "type": "obbox_v2",  
      "attributes": {},  
      "rect": [1461, 570, 9, 21],  
      "degree": 228.5,  
      "label": "vehicle"  

Annotation Field Definition

rectList of Intx, y = starting point for labeling
w = width of obbox_v2
h = height of obbox_v2
[x, y, w, h]It must have 4 points
degreefloatDegree value (-89.5 ≤ degree ≤ 270)
- degree (not radian) 228.5


    "annotations": [
        "id": "3-57db6fbe-cbc0-4a4a-a07b-0ef42f328977",
			  "type": "keypoint",
        "keypoints": {
					"PointLabel#1": [0,1],
					"PointLabel#2": [10,231],
					"PointLabel#3": [213,322]
				"invisible_keys": ["PointLabel#2"],
				"label": "damaged",
				"attributes": {
          "confidence": "1",
					"size": "large"

Annotation Field Definition

keypointslist of pointkey: Point name (set value), value: Coordinates (x, y)
Set point name: Coordinates of the point (x, y)
"PointLabel#1": [0,1],
"PointLabel#2": [10,231]
invisible_keyslist of stringList of keypoint names that are checked with ‘invisible’["PointLabel#1", "PointLabel#2"]


    "annotations": [
				"id": "1-9da0e293-d2db-47e5-8e57-0e43bc8b4ae9",
			  "type": "poly_seg",
        "points": [[747,937],[761,867],[783,780],[787,719],[793,652],[795,587],[780,575],[759,557],[783,588],[787,629],[773,768],[755,861],[744,923]],
				"label": "damaged",
				"attributes": {
          "confidence": "1",
					"size": "large"

Annotation Field Definition

pointslist of pointA list of all points within segmentation (in order)[[747,937],[761,867],[783,780],[787,719]]At least 3 points or more.


    "annotations": [
				"id": "1-20271808-9daa-4133-b338-024258d97a1a",
			  "type": "polygon",
        "points": [[747,937],[761,867],[783,780],[787,719],[793,652],[795,587],[780,575],[759,557],[783,588],[787,629],[773,768],[755,861],[744,923]],
				"label": "damaged",
				"attributes": {
          "confidence": "1",
					"size": "large"

Annotation Field Definition

pointslist of pointlist of all points in the polygon (in order)[[x1, y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]]At least 3 points or more.


    "annotations": [
				"id": "1-49c4f45d-f90e-4e15-aada-572ed3a4142e",
			  "type": "polyline",
        "points": [[747,937],[761,867],[783,780]],
				"label": "yellow_line",
				"attributes": {
          "confidence": "1"

Annotation Field Definition

pointslist of pointlist of all points in the polyline (in order)[[747,937],[761,867],[783,780]]At least 2 points or more

3D Cuboid

    "annotations": [
				"id": "1-8831725a-868c-4e48-a7f7-dea7c4c7be35",
			  "type": "cuboid_2d",
        "points": [[0,0],[100,0],[100,100],[0,100],
				"label": "damaged",
				"attributes": {
          "confidence": "1",
					"size": "large"

Annotation Field Definition

pointslist of point8 hexahedral points
In the order of Front bbox ⇒ Rear bbox
[[0,0], [100,0], [100,100], [0,100], [200,200], [300,200],[300,300],[200,300]]It must have 8 points

Flat Cuboid

  "annotations": [
      "id": "6-d971dc14-c030-418f-b1e3-260c45313160",
      "type": "cuboid_plain",
      "attributes": {},
      "points": [[1150,365],[1564,365],[1564,591],[1150,591]],
      "label": "차량"

Annotation Field Definition

pointslist of pointBbox when there are 4 points
When there are 6 points, it has 4 Bbox points + 2 points in the 5th position and 6th position in the order of clicking the mouse
[[1150, 365], [1564, 365], [1564, 591], [1150, 591]]It must have 4 or 6 points


	"attributes": {
			"occlusion": "30%",
  "label": "car"

Annotation Field Definition

attributesobjectDetailed attribute information{
"subclass": "samba",
"is_crowded": "y"
labelstringClass information"car"

Single Image (Pixel)


	"annotations": [
      "id": "1-5ca0fc23-027c-4a50-a8d3-0107529bcb91",
			"type": "segmentation_mask",
      "mask": "23F456T232F234T", //RLE
      "bound": [[100, 200], [400, 300]],
			"attributes": {
				  "occlusion": "30%",
      "label": "car"

Annotation Field Definition

maskstringBinary Mask (custom RLE encoding)23F456T232F234T
boundlist[point]Boundary information of the mask ([top left coordinate, bottom right coordinate])[[100, 100], [300, 500]]It must have 2 points

Point Cloud (LiDAR, RADAR)

3D Cuboid

	"annotations": [
			"id": "efed27a1-ac3e-4541-af0c-7abf8be7ae78",
      "type": "cuboid",
			"geometry": [4.760000000000003, 1.92, 1.96],
			"position": [13.075738648931754, 4.250296285924759, -0.8600000000000001],
			"rotation": [0, 0, 3.6739180754480634],
      "pointCount": 6126,
			"label": "pedestrian",
			"attributes": {
				"direction": "forward",
				"is_walking": "y"

Annotation Field Definition

geometrylist of floatlength, width, height[5.220000000000002, 2.14, 1.7400000000000002]
positionlist of floatx, y, z central point [-18.407794112900135, -2.656089968153442, 0.6299999999999999]
rotationlist of float- PI/2 ≤ yaw < PI + PI/2
- Unit: radian
- The degree of the rotation range: 0 to 269.5 degrees, 0 to -90 degrees

[x rotation, y rotation, z rotation (yaw)]
Each rotation value is expressed as rad
Rotation range: - PI/2 ≤ yaw < PI + PI/2
[0, 0, 3.6739180754480634]
pointCountint한 instance 내에 들어있는 포인트 개6126


	"annotations": [
			"id": "efed27a1-ac3e-4541-af0c-7abf8be7ae78",
      "type": "lasso",
			"indices": "111534-3-57-132-3-57-132-3-57-36-96-3",
			"label": "pedestrian",
			"attributes": {
				"direction": "forward",
				"is_walking": "y"

Annotation Field Definition

indicesstringThis is an index array of point cloud points that are encoded as a string“34122-192-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42”



	"annotations": [
			"id": "1-82338d78-46b3-4901-971c-a6faff5d10d1",
      "type": "frameRange",
			"startFrame": 3028,
			"endFrame": 3159,
			"startTime": 101.03437770103437,
			"endTime": 105.23858190523858,
			"label": "dance",
			"attributes": {
				"subclass": "samba"

Annotation Field Definition

startFrameintegerFrame number of starting section3028
endFrameintegerFrame number at the end of the section3159endFrame cannot be smaller than startFrame
startTimefloatStarting time of the section101.03437770103437
endFramefloatEnd time of section105.23858190523858endTime is not available to be faster than startTime



	"annotations": [
			"id": "1-36e5c504-edd8-4028-9ed1-70497152447e",
			"type": "entity",
			"label": "회사명",
			"text": "에이모",
			"start": 10,
			"end": 20,
			"attributes": {
				"hand_writed": "y"

Annotation Field Definition

textstringThe selected string"AIMMO"
startintThe starting index value of the selected string10
endintThe end index value of the selected string15The end is not available to be less than or equal to start

If you have any other inquiries, please get in touch with us at