Learn about the AIMMO JSON structure and Annotation field structure.
GT field
"annotations": [], // Refer to the Annotation field by each Annotation type
"attributes" : {},
"label" : "Classification",
"file_id" : "620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc9",
"scene_id" : "620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc8",
"filename" : "image (28).jpeg",
"parent_path": "/batch_5/20220624/daytime",
"last_modifier_id": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
"metadata": {
"height": 1080,
"width": 1920
"last_workers": {
"라벨링": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
"검수": null,
"최종 검수": null
"tags": ["car"],
"parent_tags": ["1차작업"]
GT Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example |
annotations | list[object] | Annotation information | Reference annotation field |
attributes | object | When setting an attribute of the task type classification, it is the same as the attribute of the classification When there is no classification {} | { "attribute name”: “attribute value”, "attribute name”: “attribute value" } When it isn’t set ⇒ {} |
label | string | It exists only when the task type is the classification *If there is no classification in task type, the field does not exist | “Classification” |
file_id | object | The ID of the file | 620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc9 |
scene_id | string | The ID of the scene file * If the resource type is neither Sequence Image nor Point Cloud, the field does not exist | 620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc8 |
filename | string | File names * In the case of the resource type Sequence Image or Point Cloud, this corresponds to a frame within the scene file | image (28).jpeg |
parent_path | string | The parent path of the file | /batch_5/20220624/daytime |
last_modifier_id | string | Last modifier id | 5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b |
metadata | object | File metadata by each resource type Image: image size PointCloud, Text: {} empty value Video:fps (frames) | # If it's an image { "height": 1080, "width": 1920 } # If it's a video { “fps”: 30 } |
last_workers | object | The last worker at each stage | { "labeling": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b", "inspection": null, "final inspection": null } |
tags | list[object] | The tag value of the file *If you do not check whether the tag is included or not, the field does not exist | When the tag is applied ⇒ [”car”] When the tag is not applied ⇒ 필드 없음 |
parent_tags | list[object] | The tag value of the folder *If you do not check whether the tag is included or not, the field does not exist | If the tag is applied ⇒ [” Primary task”] If the tag is not applied ⇒ no field |
- Classification can be used on all resource types (single image (vector), video, etc.)
- Classification information will be stored in the GT field, not the “Annotation” field.
"annotations": [],
"attributes": {
"occlusion": "Less than 30%"
"label": "car",
"file_id" : "620aea6c1e3c3ccd9cfd8bc9",
"filename" : "image (28).jpeg",
"parent_path": "/batch_5/20220624/daytime",
"last_modifier_id": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
"metadata": {
"height": 1080,
"width": 1920
"last_workers": {
"라벨링": "5fc7323e8511afbb60e8554b",
"검수": null,
"최종 검수": null
Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example |
attributes | object | Attributes of task type Classification | {"attribute name”: “attribute value”, "attribute name”: “attribute value"} |
label | string | Task type Classification Classes | "car" |
Annotation Field - common fields
"annotations": [
"id": "1-48f557c0-3fff-4227-bd18-8574ff7f8ad0",
"type": "bbox",
"attributes": {
"is_parked": "y",
"occlusion": "30%",
"track_id" : 1,
"label": "car"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example |
id | string | The ID of the instance | "1-48f557c0-3fff-4227-bd18-8574ff7f8ad0" |
type | string | Annotation types | "bbox" |
attributes | object | Attributes of instance (attribute name, attribute value) | {"attribute name”: “attribute value”, "attribute name”: “attribute value"} If it is not set ⇒ {} |
track_id | string | The instance number allocated to the same instance for each frame within the scene *If the resource type is not Sequence Image, the field does not exist | "1" |
label | string | Classes of the instance | "car" |
Single Image (Vector)
Bounding Box
"annotations": [
"id": "1-48f557c0-3fff-4227-bd18-8574ff7f8ad0",
"type": "bbox",
"points": [[297, 307], [1169, 307], [1169, 530], [297, 530]],
"label": "car",
"attributes": {
"is_parked": "y",
"occlusion": "30%"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
points | List of point | B-Box coordinates (top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left) *Coordinate system where the upper left corner of the image is (0,0) | [[297, 307], [1169, 307], [1169, 530], [297, 530]] | It must have 4 points |
Rotated B-box
"annotations": [
"id": "48f557c0-3fff-4227-bd18-8574ff7f8ad0",
"type": "obbox_v2",
"attributes": {},
"rect": [1461, 570, 9, 21],
"degree": 228.5,
"label": "vehicle"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
rect | List of Int | x, y = starting point for labeling w = width of obbox_v2 h = height of obbox_v2 | [x, y, w, h] | It must have 4 points |
degree | float | Degree value (-89.5 ≤ degree ≤ 270) - degree (not radian) 228.5 | 228.5 |
"annotations": [
"id": "3-57db6fbe-cbc0-4a4a-a07b-0ef42f328977",
"type": "keypoint",
"keypoints": {
"PointLabel#1": [0,1],
"PointLabel#2": [10,231],
"PointLabel#3": [213,322]
"invisible_keys": ["PointLabel#2"],
"label": "damaged",
"attributes": {
"confidence": "1",
"size": "large"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example |
keypoints | list of point | key: Point name (set value), value: Coordinates (x, y) Set point name: Coordinates of the point (x, y) | { "PointLabel#1": [0,1], "PointLabel#2": [10,231] } |
invisible_keys | list of string | List of keypoint names that are checked with ‘invisible’ | ["PointLabel#1", "PointLabel#2"] |
"annotations": [
"id": "1-9da0e293-d2db-47e5-8e57-0e43bc8b4ae9",
"type": "poly_seg",
"points": [[747,937],[761,867],[783,780],[787,719],[793,652],[795,587],[780,575],[759,557],[783,588],[787,629],[773,768],[755,861],[744,923]],
"label": "damaged",
"attributes": {
"confidence": "1",
"size": "large"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
points | list of point | A list of all points within segmentation (in order) | [[747,937],[761,867],[783,780],[787,719]] | At least 3 points or more. |
"annotations": [
"id": "1-20271808-9daa-4133-b338-024258d97a1a",
"type": "polygon",
"points": [[747,937],[761,867],[783,780],[787,719],[793,652],[795,587],[780,575],[759,557],[783,588],[787,629],[773,768],[755,861],[744,923]],
"label": "damaged",
"attributes": {
"confidence": "1",
"size": "large"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
points | list of point | list of all points in the polygon (in order) | [[x1, y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]] | At least 3 points or more. |
"annotations": [
"id": "1-49c4f45d-f90e-4e15-aada-572ed3a4142e",
"type": "polyline",
"points": [[747,937],[761,867],[783,780]],
"label": "yellow_line",
"attributes": {
"confidence": "1"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
points | list of point | list of all points in the polyline (in order) | [[747,937],[761,867],[783,780]] | At least 2 points or more |
3D Cuboid
"annotations": [
"id": "1-8831725a-868c-4e48-a7f7-dea7c4c7be35",
"type": "cuboid_2d",
"points": [[0,0],[100,0],[100,100],[0,100],
"label": "damaged",
"attributes": {
"confidence": "1",
"size": "large"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
points | list of point | 8 hexahedral points In the order of Front bbox ⇒ Rear bbox | [[0,0], [100,0], [100,100], [0,100], [200,200], [300,200],[300,300],[200,300]] | It must have 8 points |
Flat Cuboid
"annotations": [
"id": "6-d971dc14-c030-418f-b1e3-260c45313160",
"type": "cuboid_plain",
"attributes": {},
"points": [[1150,365],[1564,365],[1564,591],[1150,591]],
"label": "차량"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
points | list of point | Bbox when there are 4 points When there are 6 points, it has 4 Bbox points + 2 points in the 5th position and 6th position in the order of clicking the mouse | [[1150, 365], [1564, 365], [1564, 591], [1150, 591]] | It must have 4 or 6 points |
"attributes": {
"occlusion": "30%",
"label": "car"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example |
attributes | object | Detailed attribute information | { "subclass": "samba", "is_crowded": "y" } |
label | string | Class information | "car" |
Single Image (Pixel)
"annotations": [
"id": "1-5ca0fc23-027c-4a50-a8d3-0107529bcb91",
"type": "segmentation_mask",
"mask": "23F456T232F234T", //RLE
"bound": [[100, 200], [400, 300]],
"attributes": {
"occlusion": "30%",
"label": "car"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
mask | string | Binary Mask (custom RLE encoding) | 23F456T232F234T | |
bound | list[point] | Boundary information of the mask ([top left coordinate, bottom right coordinate]) | [[100, 100], [300, 500]] | It must have 2 points |
Point Cloud (LiDAR, RADAR)
3D Cuboid
"annotations": [
"id": "efed27a1-ac3e-4541-af0c-7abf8be7ae78",
"type": "cuboid",
"geometry": [4.760000000000003, 1.92, 1.96],
"position": [13.075738648931754, 4.250296285924759, -0.8600000000000001],
"rotation": [0, 0, 3.6739180754480634],
"pointCount": 6126,
"label": "pedestrian",
"attributes": {
"direction": "forward",
"is_walking": "y"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example |
geometry | list of float | length, width, height | [5.220000000000002, 2.14, 1.7400000000000002] |
position | list of float | x, y, z central point | [-18.407794112900135, -2.656089968153442, 0.6299999999999999] |
rotation | list of float | - PI/2 ≤ yaw < PI + PI/2 - Unit: radian - The degree of the rotation range: 0 to 269.5 degrees, 0 to -90 degrees [x rotation, y rotation, z rotation (yaw)] Each rotation value is expressed as rad Rotation range: - PI/2 ≤ yaw < PI + PI/2 | [0, 0, 3.6739180754480634] |
pointCount | int | 한 instance 내에 들어있는 포인트 개 | 6126 |
"annotations": [
"id": "efed27a1-ac3e-4541-af0c-7abf8be7ae78",
"type": "lasso",
"indices": "111534-3-57-132-3-57-132-3-57-36-96-3",
"label": "pedestrian",
"attributes": {
"direction": "forward",
"is_walking": "y"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example |
indices | string | This is an index array of point cloud points that are encoded as a string | “34122-192-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42-150-42” |
"annotations": [
"id": "1-82338d78-46b3-4901-971c-a6faff5d10d1",
"type": "frameRange",
"startFrame": 3028,
"endFrame": 3159,
"startTime": 101.03437770103437,
"endTime": 105.23858190523858,
"label": "dance",
"attributes": {
"subclass": "samba"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
startFrame | integer | Frame number of starting section | 3028 | |
endFrame | integer | Frame number at the end of the section | 3159 | endFrame cannot be smaller than startFrame |
startTime | float | Starting time of the section | 101.03437770103437 | |
endFrame | float | End time of section | 105.23858190523858 | endTime is not available to be faster than startTime |
"annotations": [
"id": "1-36e5c504-edd8-4028-9ed1-70497152447e",
"type": "entity",
"label": "회사명",
"text": "에이모",
"start": 10,
"end": 20,
"attributes": {
"hand_writed": "y"
Annotation Field Definition
Name | Type | Description | Example | Prerequisites |
text | string | The selected string | "AIMMO" | |
start | int | The starting index value of the selected string | 10 | |
end | int | The end index value of the selected string | 15 | The end is not available to be less than or equal to start |
If you have any other inquiries, please get in touch with us at
Updated 8 months ago